From the point of view of orthomolecular medicine, magnesium is the most important mineral for human beings, because it cannot be accumulated, like calcium for example, but must be taken on a daily basis. Magnesium plays a key role in our hectic lifestyles. How we feel, whether we are able to master our daily challenges, and how much energy and strength we have – both physically and mentally – largely depends on the magnesium availability in our body.
Magnesium and metabolism
Every chemical reaction in our body, from temperature regulation to cell formation, depends on enzymes. Magnesium is an activator and component of over 300 enzymes responsible for metabolising carbohydrates and proteins, and is thus the most important metabolic manager of our cells. Magnesium regulates the transmission of stimuli to muscles and nerves, thereby ensuring problem-free functioning of our entire muscle apparatus.
Magnesium and energy generation
The more magnesium is available, the better the function of our inner power structure – the mitochondria – which produce energy in the form of ATP. ATP (adenotriphosphate) are tiny energy storage molecules in the body that release energy when splitting. Energy production in the muscles and the heart is really only at its best if magnesium is present. Professional athletes know this: It is impossible to win a competition without additional magnesium. More magnesium allows athletes to run faster, maintain their energy for longer and recover more quickly.
Magnesium and protein production
Magnesium is indispensable for the production of proteins. The DNA that contains our genetic code uses a particular enzyme and magnesium to form a blueprint. For this, the DNA spiral untwists and forms an RNA string, in which the information is stored as to the sequence in which the individual amino acids should bind for the various proteins. All these processes can only occur in the presence of magnesium. Proteins fulfil a range of functions in our body. This could be structural proteins, such as musculature or connective tissue, although antibodies or enzymes are also proteins and consist of amino acids.
Magnesium in bones and teeth
Magnesium is as important for healthy bones and teeth as calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3. It is only through magnesium that bones become truly hard and stable. Consequently, an adequate supply of magnesium is particularly important for children and teenagers, whose bone structure and teeth are developing.
Older people can also benefit from additional intake of magnesium, as our ability to extract minerals from our diet decreases with age. Up till now, it has always been thought that calcium is the most important building block for strong bones. New research has shown however, that magnesium plays a significantly more important role in bone stability than was previously assumed. For example, the body cannot utilise calcium correctly where a magnesium deficiency exists. Healthy bones appear to be dependent on magnesium as well, and not only on calcium, as was previously assumed.
This also applies to teeth. Research has shown that teeth resistant to cavities contain twice as much magnesium as those susceptible to cavities. In this regard, the hardness of teeth is directly dependent in the magnesium concentration in the teeth.
Magnesium and the nervous system
Magnesium is partially responsible for the transmission of impulses to muscles and nerves, and in so doing ensures smooth functioning of our entire muscle apparatus. It is the job of our nerve cells to forward the impulses recorded in the sensory cells as stimuli to the brain, which then forwards the corresponding stimuli to the muscles to allow them to react appropriately. Magnesium controls the electrical voltage inside and outside the cell membrane by means of the channels in the cell membrane.
This process is used in the production of energy, and translates thoughts into actions. Thoughts are nothing more than electromagnetic vibration frequencies. Magnesium is partially responsible for forwarding these vibration frequencies to the muscles that perform the actions.
Magnesium and relaxation
Magnesium and calcium are opposing players in terms of their effects on muscles. While calcium causes a contraction in muscle fibres, magnesium has the effect of relaxing the musculature. Where too much calcium and too little magnesium is present in the cell, twitches and muscle cramps result.
The smooth musculature is also affected by this. A magnesium deficiency can constrict the muscles in the vascular wall as well as bronchial tubes, causing hypertension or breathing difficulties such as asthmatic attacks. The relaxing effect of magnesium is particularly important in the activity of the heart muscle, that is, in the stimulus conduction in the heart. Magnesium prevents the heart from being overloaded, and in so doing supports healthy cardiac activity.
Magnesium and fat burning
Magnesium is not only important for high-performance athletes. If you want to lose fat while working out in a fitness studio or when jogging, magnesium will support you. It kick-starts the enzymes for reducing fat and at the same time ensures increased endurance.
Magnesium is important ...
- For healthy bones and teeth
- For the heart and circulation
- For healthy blood pressure
- For the metabolism
- For muscle cramps
- For healthy skin
- For healthy joint
- For treating pain and migraines
- In case of period pains and menopause complaints
- In case of stress and sleeping problems
- In case of a weak immune system
- In case of depression and anxiety
- In case of excess weight
- In case of diabetes
- In anti-aging therapy
- For sport and high-performance sport
- For health care